Hey Clay- Ocean

Availability: In stock (8)

Let a child's imagination run wild, while developing their fine motor skills at the same time. Hey Clay Oceans includes 15 cans of high-quality, vibrantly coloured clay, 2 modelling tools and interactive app for moulding 6 professional-quality figurines.

For instructions to create the ocean animals including; octopus, shark, eel, discus fish, clownfish, or stingray, download the free app included in your pack. Then, follow with the interactive 3D step-by-step instructions to masterfully mould the animal, one simple shape at a time.

Hey Clay is soft, non-sticky, non-toxic and stain-free. Perfect for young artists taking their first step into the magical world of clay creativity. 

Hey Clay is recommended:

  • To develop fine motor skills
  • To support visual motor integration 
  • As a fidget tool to support regulation 
  • To support imagination and creativity 


  • 15 cans of high-quality clay, 2 modelling tools and interactive app for moulding 6 professional-quality figurines
  • Clay dries and hardens when left out for 24 hours - Display your new friends for all to admire!
  • App can be used on multiple devices (tablets and/or phones) with the same ID. App available at the Apple App Store and Google Play
  • Clay is nontoxic, wheat and gluten-free, nut-free, latex-free, won't stick to hands

Ages 3+

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